
Showing posts from April, 2023

Week 13: Coastal erosion

       China's coastal erosion is a significant issue that affects the country's coastal regions. The erosion is caused by a combination of natural factors such as sea level rise, storms, and wave action. Human activities such as land reclamation and development also apply. The impact of coastal erosion includes loss of land, damage to infrastructure, and threats to coastal ecosystems. The Chinese government has implemented various measures to address the issue, including the construction of seawalls and the implementation of coastal management plans. However, the problem remains a challenge, and continued efforts are needed to mitigate the effects of coastal erosion.      Moreover, in 1996, Shandong province in China experienced its worst coastal erosion incident in history. The erosion occurred along a 200-kilometer stretch of coastline, resulting in the loss of over 1,000 hectares of land. The cause of the erosion was attri...

Week 10: Extreme weather

       China's past extreme weather events have included droughts, floods, heatwaves, and cold snaps. A previous example could be how The Guangdong province recently experienced a once-in-a-century flood. The heavy rainfall caused severe flooding in the region, resulting in significant damage to infrastructure and property. The local government responded quickly to the crisis, mobilizing rescue teams and providing emergency aid to affected residents. Despite the challenges, the people of Guangdong have shown resilience and solidarity in the face of this occurrence.       These type of events have mainly been caused by a combination of natural factors such as changes in ocean currents and atmospheric pressure, as well as human activities like deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions. The impacts of these extreme weather events have been devastating, causing crop failures, infrastructure damage, and loss of life. It is important for China to conti...