
Showing posts from March, 2023

Week 8: Mass wasting events in China

      China's mass wasting is significant due to its diverse topography and climatic conditions. The country experiences various forms of mass wasting, including landslides, rockfalls, debris flows, and soil erosion. The most affected regions are the mountainous areas, where steep slopes and loose soil make them susceptible to landslides and rockfalls. The main causes of mass wasting in China are human activities such as deforestation, mining, and construction, as well as natural factors like earthquakes and heavy rainfall.      However, China's government takes several measures to prevent mass wasting and work through it. They implement various engineering techniques such as building retaining walls, terracing hillsides, and constructing drainage systems. The government also enforces strict regulations on land use and development to prevent further damage to vulnerable areas. Additionally, the conduct ...